Saturday, 21 April 2012

In My Mailbox (1)

In My Mailbox #1
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren. Let us know what books you've bought, borrowed or received for review!

Deadly Cool- Gemma Halliday (Review here!)
Saving June- Hannah Harrington
Eon- Alison Goodman
Froi of the Exiles- Melina Marchetta
Magic Study- Maria V. Snyder
The Industry- Rose Foster
Saving Francesca- Melina Marchetta

What did you get in your mailbox?


  1. Awesome IMM this week, Jenni! I am really dying to read Deadly Cool and it sounds good! Saving June is absolutely fantastic. Really loved the book. I also read The Industry and really enjoyed it! Saving Francesca! EEEE, I LOVE THIS BOOK! Magic Study! I must read the Study series ASAP!

    Happy reading, Jenni! ♥

    1. Thank you! Deadly Cool was really great :) You should definitely give it a go. I can't wait to read Saving June and the Industry! Both seem really interesting. I really adore the first Study book, Poison Study ♥

      Thank you again!

  2. Ohh, awesome first IMM :D Froi is so so so good. <3 I loved it a lot. Hope you will too :D Enjoy them all ;)
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

    1. I loved Froi! I actually started reading it the day I got it :) Thank you so much ♥

  3. Eon is already on my TBR list! Great books, enjoy reading :)

    Stop by my IMM?

    1. I loved the summary of Eon! It really got me interested and I decided I needed to give it a go :) Thank you ♥

  4. Great IMM! I love the Study series and The Industry :D Looking forward to finding time for Deadly Cool and Saving June! <3 Thanks for stopping by :)

    1. Thanks! I adore the first Study book and I can't wait to get in to The Industry. Deadly Cool was fantastic :) You should read it sometime!
      Thanks ♥

  5. look at books/ looking at books ^_^ lol

    enjoy all

  6. OMG MAGIC STUDY!!!!! Oh to be back and strip searching Valek again....

    Also: I hope you review Eon because I've been seeing it for ages and thinking I should read it but I never do because I always get distracted by other things so maybe your fabulous review of it will be enough to push me over the edge and make me read it.

    1. I can't wait to get started on Magic Study! I'm about halfway through poison Study and loving it :) I have high hopes for Eon and plan to read and review it pretty soon. Hopefully it will be as great as I imagine!

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting

  7. Awesome mailbox! I adore Study series so much! <3 The stories and the characters are perfection. LOL, I hope you'd enjoy just as much as I did, Jenni! Deadly Cool, Eon, and Saving June also get some amazing reviews! Happy reading! :)

    Drop by my mailbox? :)

    1. Thank you! So far, I've got to say I'm adoring it too! ♥ I can't wait ot get started on Eon and Saving June :) I hope I enjoy them as much as others do. Thanks again!

  8. yay this is your first IMM! :D Hope you enjoyed it!! Saving June is a reallyyy good book!! I really liked Deadly Cool as well!! Thanks for stopping by, and great blog! New followers ;)

    Farah @MajiBookshelf

    1. Thanks! I've heard so many great things about Saving June :) Deadly Cool was pretty amazing. Thank you again for taking the time to come by my IMM ♥

  9. Awesome books! Deadly Cool is so amazing and funny! I've also heard those Finick Rock books are pretty good! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

    1. Thank you! I adored Deadly Cool :) Finnikin of the Rock is an amazing book and so is Froi of the Exiles. Thank you for coming by mine ♥

  10. I really love Deadly Cool. I have Saving June, but haven't read it yet. I've heard wonderful things about Melina Marchetta's books, but I'm sad to say I haven't read any of her books yet. Happy reading!

    Thanks for stopping by, I'm a new follower :)

    1. Deadly Cool was awesome :) I've heard great things about it but I haven't read it yet either. You really must read some of her books! They are absolutely amazing! Thank you for coming by my IMM and following ♥

  11. The only one here I've read myself is Deadly Cool. The Industry looks really good, that's new to me. Welcome to IMM!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM :)

    1. I loved Deadly Cool! The Industry sounded really interesting when I first saw it in my local book store and I just thought I should give it a go :) Thank you!

  12. I recently got Saving Jane as well, I've heard it's really good!

    New follower :)

    1. I've heard fantastic things about it! I can't wait to read it :)

      Thank you for following and coming by my IMM ♥
