Saturday, 28 April 2012

My Weekly Book Haul

My Weekly Book Haul is a post where I share the books I've borrowed, bought or received in the last week.

So, yesterday was my birthday and my mum and dad got me a couple of books that I've been wanting for ages

Frostbite- Richelle Mead
Shadow Kiss- Richelle Mead
Blood Promise- Richelle Mead
The Immortal Rules- Julie Kagawa

What books did you get?


  1. Oh I am seeing a lot of VA gorgeousness. All amazing reads and love the cover for The Immortal Rules. Badass. Great haul, Jenni :)

    1. I am becoming obsessed with VA! It's so good :) Thank you for coming by ♥

  2. I lo love the VA series :)
    And the Immortal Rules was awesome! +Followed back!
    Cute blog!

    (Synchronized Reading)

    1. VA definitely seems like a series that will quickly become a favourite!
      I can't wait to get stuck in to Immortal Rules :0 I've heard only good things about it.

      Thank you so much ♥

  3. Happy birthday!! I'm reading Shadow Kiss right now :) Hope you enjoy!

    1. Thank you so much! I just finished Frostbite and am starting Shadow Kiss. I'm pretty much obsessed with the series already :)

  4. Happy birthday! Your parents are amazing. Vampire Academy is one of my favourite series so I hope you're loving them to death <3 The Immortal Rules is a huge 5 stars to me so I think you are in very good hands!! <3 Thanks for stopping by my IMM! New follower :)

    1. Thank you so much :) VA is fast becoming one of my favourites, too. I'm looking forward to getting in to Immortal Rules! I've heard so many great things about it. Thank you again ♥

  5. I LOVED The Immortal Rules. It was seriously awesome. Hope you enjoy your new books! :D

    1. I can't wait to read it! All the positive reviews have really gotten my hopes up :) Thank you ♥

  6. Great haul! I loved Vampire Academy series and The Immortal Rules is amazing!
    Enjor your books!
    Thanks for visiting My IMM

    1. Thanks! I'm loving VA and everyone seems to love The Immortal Rules :) Thanks again!

  7. Ooh I loved the VA series! And I'm about to read the Immortal Rules in a week or so I'm looking forward to that one! The reviews are insane!! Awesome haul!

    Xpresso Reads

    1. I'm loving it right now. Each book seems to just get better and better :) I'm definitely looking forward to reading Immortal Rules as well. I know, I hope I enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to have! Thank you so much for coming by ♥

  8. Oh god, Happy late birthday!! You're so lucky, my mom would never get me books.. she never understood why i'm 'wasting' my money on books when i could buy clothes or whatever else i need.
    I think she's a unique specimen.

    Enjoy reading them all, i'm dying to start the Vampire Academy series as well!

    By the way, I awarded you the Versatile Blogger award, if you'd like to check out the post, it's here: Versatile Blogger Award

    Keep up the good work ^^
